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Our Members' Publications

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Madhusudan, M. D., & Sinha, A. (2025). Saving Wildlife in a Changing India. Economic and Political Weekly, 60(2), 33-39. Banerjee, S., Nayak, D., & Sinha, A. (2024). Adivasi (Tea Tribe) worldviews of living close to wild Asian elephants in Assam, India. Conservation Biology, 38(6), e14397. Vijayakrishnan, S., Raghunathan, G., Ananda Kumar, M., & Sinha, A. (2024). Elephants in a teacup: Ranging and Habitat-use of Asian elephants Elephas maximus in a Plantation Dominated Landscape in Southern Western Ghats, India. BioRxiv, 2024-01. Sinha, A. (2023). Living and Working with Giants: A Multispecies Ethnography of the Khamti and Elephants in Northeast India. Srinivasaiah, N. M., & Sinha, A. (2023). The outliers: An interplay of space, knowledge, and capabilities in defining human–elephant relations in rurban southern India. IRD Editions. Banerjee, S., & Sinha, A. POLITICAL AND AFFECTIVE ECOLOgIES OF hUmAN-ELEPhANT RELATIONS. composing, 29. Banerjee, S., & Sinha, A. (2023). Political and affective ecologies of human–elephant relations: A gendered perspective. IRD Editions. Urban More-than-Human Collective, Dümpelmann, S., Gioielli, R. R., Pauleit, S., Sinha, A., Wright, K., & Zhang, A. (2023). Making urban environments: infrastructures of power, resistance and negotiation. Global Environment, 16(2), 222-257. Pinto, M. P. (2023). Book Review-Under the Feet of Living Things Editors—Aparajita Datta, Rohan Arthur & TR Shankar Raman. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 15(1), 22556-22558. Nautiyal, H., Mathur, V., Gajare, K. H., Teichroeb, J., Sarkar, D., & Diogo, R. (2024). Predatory Dogs as Drivers of Social Behavior Changes in the Central Himalayan Langur (Semnopithecus schistaceus) in Agro-Forest Landscapes. Biology, 13(6), 410.

Rehel, S. M., Raj, R. R., Thomas, S., Bunyan, M., Varghese, A., & Hiremath, A. J. (2023). Mapping invasive alien plants through citizen science: shortlisting species of concern for the Nilgiris. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 15(11), 24266-24276. Thomas, S. G., Rehel, S. M., Varghese, A., Davidar, P., & Potts, S. G. (2009). Social bees and food plant associations in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Tropical Ecology, 50(1), 79. Krishnamurthy, V., Mandle, L., Ticktin, T., Ganesan, R., Saneesh, C. S., & Varghese, A. (2013). Conservation status and effects of harvest on an endemic multi-purpose cycad, Cycas circinalis L., Western Ghats, India. Tropical Ecology, 54(3), 309-320. Varghese, A. (2014). Ecology, impact and traditional knowledge of resin harvest on the wild dammer tree-Canarium strictum Roxb. in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Western Ghats, India. University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Varghese, A., Nath, S., Leo, R., & Thomas, S. G. (2015). The road to sustainable harvests in wild honey collection: Experiences from the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Western Ghats, India. In Ecological Sustainability for Non-timber Forest Products (pp. 103-115). Routledge. Anita Varghese, A. V., Vandana Krishnamurthy, V. K., & Tamara Ticktin, T. T. (2012). Harvest, use, and ecology of Cycas circinalis L.-a case study in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Area, Western Ghats, India. Varghese, A., Oommen, M. A., Paul, M. M., & Nath, S. (Eds.). (2022). Conservation Through Sustainable Use: Lessons from India. Taylor & Francis. Varghese, A., Nath, S., Oommen, M. A., & Paul, M. M. (2022). Sustainable use and biodiversity conservation: Experiences, challenges, and ways forward. In Conservation through Sustainable Use (pp. 175-180). Routledge India. Varghese, A., Oommen, M. A., Paul, M. M., & Nath, S. (Eds.). (2022). Conservation Through Sustainable Use: Lessons from India. Taylor & Francis. Varghese, A., Paul, M. M., & Anita/Oommen Varghese (Meera Ann). (2022). Conservation Through Sustainable Use. Varghese, A., Nath, S., Oommen, M. A., & Paul, M. M. (2022). 14 Sustainable use and biodiversity conservation. Conservation through Sustainable Use: Lessons from India. Varghese, A., Paul, M. M., Oommen, M. A., & Nath, S. (2022). An introduction to sustainable use: And its contribution to biodiversity conservation in India. In Conservation through Sustainable Use (pp. 1-5). Routledge India

Jalais, A. (2014). Forest of tigers: people, politics and environment in the Sundarbans. Routledge India. Jalais, A. (2005). Dwelling on Morichjhanpi: When tigers became'citizens', refugees' tiger-food'. Economic and Political Weekly, 1757-1762. Alexander, C., Chatterji, J., & Jalais, A. (2015). The Bengal diaspora: rethinking Muslim migration. Routledge. Jalais, A. (2008). Unmasking the cosmopolitan tiger. Nature and culture, 3(1), 25-40. Jalais, A. (2007). The Sundarbans: whose world heritage site?. Conservation and Society, 5(3), 335-342. Jalais, A. (2004). People and tigers: an anthropological study of the Sundarbans of West Bengal, India (Doctoral dissertation, University of London). Jalais, A. (2008). Bonbibi: Bridging Worlds. Indian Folklife, 28, 6-8. Jalais, A. (2010). Braving crocodiles with kali: being a prawn seed collector and a modern woman in the 21st century Sundarbans. Socio-Legal Rev., 6, 1. Jalais, A. (2018). Reworlding the ancient Chinese tiger in the realm of the Asian Anthropocene. International Communication of Chinese Culture, 5(1), 121-144. Jalais, A. (2022). Historicizing Indic collectives’‘solidarities’ in the age of the Anthropocene. Postcolonial Studies, 25(3), 399-416.

Kshettry, A., Vaidyanathan, S., Sukumar, R., & Athreya, V. (2020). Looking beyond protected areas: Identifying conservation compatible landscapes in agro-forest mosaics in north-eastern India. Global ecology and conservation, 22, e00905. Srivathsa, A., Banerjee, A., Banerjee, S., Chawla, M. M., Das, A., Ganguly, D., ... & Surve, N. (2022). Chasms in charismatic species research: seventy years of carnivore science and its implications for conservation and policy in India. Biological Conservation, 273, 109694. Kshettry, A., Vaidyanathan, S., & Athreya, V. (2018). Diet selection of leopards (Panthera pardus) in a human-use landscape in North-Eastern India. Tropical Conservation Science, 11, 1940082918764635. Paul, A., Kumar, N., Mukherjee, T., Chhetri, A. K., & Kshettry, A. (2024). Rosettes in a matrix: Predicting spatial variation in density of a large felid in a forest‐production mosaic. Integrative Conservation, 3(4), 426-437. Athreya, V., Isvaran, K., Odden, M., Linnell, J. D., Kshettry, A., Krishnaswamy, J., & Karanth, U. K. (2020). The impact of leopards (Panthera pardus) on livestock losses and human injuries in a human-use landscape in Maharashtra, India. PeerJ, 8, e8405. Kshettry, A., Vaidyanathan, S., & Athreya, V. (2017). Leopard in a tea-cup: A study of leopard habitat-use and human-leopard interactions in north-eastern India. PLoS One, 12(5), e0177013. Kshettry, A., Bhave, N., Das, P., & Athreya, V. (2021). Mahakal blessed my crop: Community dynamics and religious beliefs influence efficacy of a wildlife compensation program. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, 727696. Das, P., Kshettry, A., & Kumara, H. N. (2022). Trunk picking from a truncating menu: Dry season forage selection by Asian elephant in a multi-use landscape. Plos one, 17(7), e0271052. Paul, A., Kumar, N., & Kshettry, A. (2024). Record of Asiatic black bear from low-elevation forests and tea plantations of northern West Bengal. Ursus, 2024(35e12), 1-5. Sekar, N., Kshettry, A., Gaur, M., & Athreya, V. (2023). Reforming How India Governs the Human-Wildlife Interface.

Kabra, A., Das, B., & Bathla, C. (2023). Indigenous tree tenure in the times of charismatic carnivore conservation: Territoriality and property in the forests of central India. Political Geography, 101, 102841. Montgomery, R. A., Kabra, A., Kepe, T., Garnett, S., & Merino, R. (2024). Re-centering social justice in conservation science: Progressive policies, methods, and practices. Biological Conservation, 294, 110600. Mahalwal, S., & Kabra, A. (2023). The slow violence of fortress conservation creates conditions for socially unjust ‘voluntary’relocation. Biological Conservation, 286, 110264. Mahalwal, S., & Kabra, A. (2023). Indigenous knowledge and sustainability concerns in an era of climate change: the Sahariya adivasi and salai trees (Boswellia serrata) in Central India. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 32(1), 26-41. Kabra, A. (2020). Caste in stone? Exploring caste and class dimensions of conservation displacement in Central India. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 50(5), 785-805. Kabra, A., & Das, B. (2022). Aye for the tiger: hegemony, authority, and volition in India’s regime of dispossession for conservation. Oxford Development Studies, 50(1), 44-61. Kabra, A., Das, B., & Bathla, C. (2023). Indigenous tree tenure in the times of charismatic carnivore conservation: Territoriality and property in the forests of central India. Political Geography, 101, 102841. Srivastwa, A. K., & Kabra, A. (2023). Socio-spatial Infrastructures: Drinking Water Supply and Formation of Unequal Socio-technological Relations in Rural Southern Bihar. Ecology, Economy and Society-the INSEE Journal, 6(2), 205-236. Atul Kumar Gupta Kumar, A., Sathyakumar, S., Goraya, G. S., Gupta, A. K., Adhikari, B. S., & Rawat, G. S. (2021). Sustainable harvesting and cultivation protocols of threatened medicinal and aromatic plants of the Western Himalaya. Wildlife Institute of India.

Chandramouli, S. R., Khan, T., Yathiraj, R., Deshpande, N., Yadav, S., Tejpal, C., ... & Lammes, I. (2015). Diversity of amphibians in Wandoor, South Andaman, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Alytes, 32.

Dhee, Athreya, V., Linnell, J. D., Shivakumar, S., & Dhiman, S. P. (2019). The leopard that learnt from the cat and other narratives of carnivore–human coexistence in northern India. People and Nature, 1(3), 376-386. Nair, R., Dhee, Patil, O., Surve, N., Andheria, A., Linnell, J. D., & Athreya, V. (2021). Sharing spaces and entanglements with big cats: The Warli and their Waghoba in Maharashtra, India. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, 683356.

Das, S., & Somanathan, E. (2024). Heat causes large earnings losses for informal-sector workers in India. Environmental Research Letters, 19(12), 124019. Krishnapriya, P. P., Pattanayak, S. K., Somanathan, E., Keil, A., Jat, M. L., Sidhu, H. S., & Shyamsundar, P. (2024). Mitigating agricultural residue burning: challenges and solutions across land classes in Punjab, India. Environmental Research: Food Systems, 1(1), 015001. Gupta, R., & Somanathan, E. (2023). Hot days and worker absence in the formal sector: Evidence from India. Available at SSRN 4636875. Nepal, M., Karki Nepal, A., Khadayat, M. S., Rai, R. K., Shyamsundar, P., & Somanathan, E. (2023). Low-cost strategies to improve municipal solid waste management in developing countries: experimental evidence from Nepal. Environmental and Resource Economics, 84(3), 729-752. Somanathan, E., Somanathan, R., Sudarshan, A., & Tewari, M. (2021). The impact of temperature on productivity and labor supply: Evidence from Indian manufacturing. Journal of Political Economy, 129(6), 1797-1827. Nepal, M., Rai, R. K., Khadayat, M. S., & Somanathan, E. (2020). Value of cleaner neighborhoods: Application of hedonic price model in low income context. World Development, 131, 104965. Saikawa, E., Panday, A., Kang, S., Gautam, R., Zusman, E., Cong, Z., ... & Adhikary, B. (2019). Air pollution in the hindu kush Himalaya. The Hindu Kush Himalaya assessment: Mountains, climate change, sustainability and people, 339-387. Bhattarai, D., Somanathan, E., & Nepal, M. (2018). Are renewable energy subsidies in Nepal reaching the poor?. Energy for Sustainable Development, 43, 114-122. Gupta, R., Somanathan, E., & Dey, S. (2017). Global warming and local air pollution have reduced wheat yields in India. Climatic change, 140(3), 593-604. Morales-Hidalgo, D., Oswalt, S. N., & Somanathan, E. (2015). Status and trends in global primary forest, protected areas, and areas designated for conservation of biodiversity from the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015. Forest Ecology and Management, 352, 68-77.

Srivathsa, A., Banerjee, A., Banerjee, S., Chawla, M. M., Das, A., Ganguly, D., ... & Surve, N. (2022). Chasms in charismatic species research: seventy years of carnivore science and its implications for conservation and policy in India. Biological Conservation, 273, 109694. Srivathsa, A., Majgaonkar, I., Sharma, S., Singh, P., Punjabi, G. A., Chawla, M. M., & Banerjee, A. (2020). Opportunities for prioritizing and expanding conservation enterprise in India using a guild of carnivores as flagships. Environmental Research Letters, 15(6), 064009. Pilon, N., Peixoto, F., Oliveira, R. S., Oliveira, A. C. C., Alquéres, J., Alvarado, S., ... & Durigan, G. (2025). Open letter: There are more than just trees and forests to be conserved and restored. Plants, People, Planet. Chawla, M. M., Srivathsa, A., Singh, P., Majgaonkar, I., Sharma, S., Punjabi, G., & Banerjee, A. (2020). Do wildlife crimes against less charismatic species go unnoticed? A case study of Golden Jackal Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 poaching and trade in India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 12, 15407-15413. Watve, A., Athreya, V., & Majgaonkar, I. (2021). The need to overhaul wasteland classification systems in India. Gangal, M., Arthur, R., Suri, V., Pandit, A., Tyagi, A., Prakash, P., ... & Ramakrishnan, U. (2024). Unbounding fish: Assessing vulnerability to overexploitation for transboundary fish populations. bioRxiv, 2024-07. Vanak, A. T., Malhotra, A., Nair, S., Misher, C., Aredath, G., Majgaonkar, I., ... & Sengupta, S. (2024). Managing Open Natural Ecosystems for People, Climate and Biodiversity.

Barua, M., Bhagwat, S. A., & Jadhav, S. (2013). The hidden dimensions of human–wildlife conflict: Health impacts, opportunity and transaction costs. Biological conservation, 157, 309-316. Barua, M. (2021). Infrastructure and non-human life: A wider ontology. Progress in human geography, 45(6), 1467-1489. Barua, M. (2016). Lively commodities and encounter value. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(4), 725-744. Lorimer, J., Sandom, C., Jepson, P., Doughty, C., Barua, M., & Kirby, K. J. (2015). Rewilding: science, practice, and politics. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 40(1), 39-62. Barua, M. (2019). Animating capital: Work, commodities, circulation. Progress in Human Geography, 43(4), 650-669. Pooley, S., Barua, M., Beinart, W., Dickman, A., Holmes, G., Lorimer, J., ... & Milner‐Gulland, E. J. (2017). An interdisciplinary review of current and future approaches to improving human–predator relations. Conservation Biology, 31(3), 513-523. Barua, M. (2017). Nonhuman labour, encounter value, spectacular accumulation: The geographies of a lively commodity. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(2), 274-288. Barua, M., & Sinha, A. (2019). Animating the urban: An ethological and geographical conversation. Social & Cultural Geography, 20(8), 1160-1180. Barua, M. (2023). Lively cities: Reconfiguring urban ecology. U of Minnesota Press. Lorimer, J., Hodgetts, T., & Barua, M. (2019). Animals’ atmospheres. Progress in Human Geography, 43(1), 26-45. Ginn, F., Beisel, U., & Barua, M. (2014). Flourishing with awkward creatures: Togetherness, vulnerability, killing. Environmental Humanities, 4(1), 113-123. Barua, M. (2014). Circulating elephants: Unpacking the geographies of a cosmopolitan animal. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 39(4), 559-573. Jadhav, S., & Barua, M. (2012). The Elephant Vanishes: Impact of human–elephant conflict on people's wellbeing. Health & place, 18(6), 1356-1365. Barua, M. (2011). Mobilizing metaphors: the popular use of keystone, flagship and umbrella species concepts. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20, 1427-1440. Barua, M. (2014). Bio-geo-graphy: Landscape, dwelling, and the political ecology of human-elephant relations. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 32(5), 915-934. Jepson, P., & Barua, M. (2015). A theory of flagship species action. Conservation and Society, 13(1), 95-104. Sinha, A., & Barua, M. (2024). Being macaque: Nonhuman ethnographies of urban India. Posthumanism and India: A Critical Cartography, 75.

Ramesh, M. (2025). The Ontological Choreography of Conservation Practice at a Marine Turtle Rookery in India. Conservation and Society, 23(1), 1-11. Ramesh, M. (2018). Conservation amidst development in a nonequilibrium environment a study of marine turtles in Odisha India (Doctoral dissertation, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment; Manipal Academy of Higher Education). Oommen, M. A., Cooney, R., Ramesh, M., Archer, M., Brockington, D., Buscher, B., ... & Shanker, K. (2019). The fatal flaws of compassionate conservation. Conservation Biology, 33(4), 784-787.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

Neelakantan, A., Rithe, K., Tabor, G., & DeFries, R. (2021). Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape: the network for conserving Central India. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 432-446. Neelakantan, A., DeFries, R., & Fanzo, J. (2020). Food security and livelihoods of post-resettlement households around Kanha National Park. PloS one, 15(12), e0243825. Schoen, J. M., Neelakantan, A., Cushman, S. A., Dutta, T., Habib, B., Jhala, Y. V., ... & DeFries, R. (2022). Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human‐dominated tiger‐conservation landscape. Conservation Biology, 36(4), e13909. Schröter, M., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Albert, C., Hill, R., Krause, T., Loos, J., ... & van Oudenhoven, A. (2023). Science on ecosystems and people to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecosystems and People, 19(1), 2220913. Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). Trends in wildlife connectivity science from the biodiverse and human-dominated South Asia. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193. Bhanji, A., & Neelakantan, A. (2025). Primary Tubal Gestational Choriocarcinoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 23(1), 1-5. Brennan, A., Naidoo, R., Greenstreet, L., Mehrabi, Z., Ramankutty, N., & Kremen, C. (2022). Functional connectivity of the world’s protected areas. Science, 376(6597), 1101-1104. Karanth, K. K., & Vanamamalai, A. (2020). Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 530144. Bista, A., Chanchani, P., Warrier, R., Thatte, P., Deomurari, A., & Kumar, M. G. L. Verma3 and Sanjay Pathak3. Dudhwa Kishanpur corridor profile. Coalition for Wildlife Corridors. 2024. Bachelot, B. (2015). The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and natural enemy communities on seedling dynamics in a secondary tropical rain forest. Columbia University. Choksi, P. M. (2023). Ecological Restoration and Rural Livelihoods in Central India. Columbia University. Bytnerowicz, T. A. (2020). Exploring the mechanisms that control the success of symbiotic nitrogen fixers across latitude: Temperature, time-lags, and founder effects. Columbia University. Campbell, S., & Gurney, L. (2024). What are we protecting? Rethinking relational values and nature (s). Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2315973.

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Photographs by Amrita Neelakantan, Aritra Kshettry, Bharghav, Sandilya, Kalyan Varma, Kannan S, Manikandan R, Mihika Sen, Nikhilesh Prasenjeet Yadav, Ramesh M, Rohit Varma, Sagar Gosavi, Seema Lokhandwala, Tarsh Thekaekara, Varsha Yeshwant & Vishal Mistry

© Coexistence Consortium 2024
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